古吉拉特邦的eNAM门户网站将800K农民与数字贸易连接起来,使收入增加20%。 Gujarat's eNAM portal connects 800K farmers to digital trading, boosting incomes by up to 20%.
古吉拉特国家农业市场门户将80多万农民连接到数字贸易平台上,将144个当地市场整合起来。 The National Agriculture Market (eNAM) portal in Gujarat has connected over 800,000 farmers to a digital trading platform, integrating 144 local markets. 农民现在可以直接向网上投标商出售价值10 535.91卢比的2.64亿公吨农产品。 Farmers can now sell over 264 million quintals of produce valued at Rs 10,535.91 crore directly to traders bidding online. 这一制度通过取消佣金和提供直接付款,提高了农民的价格,有些农民的收入增加了5-20%。 This system has led to higher prices for farmers, with some seeing a 5-20% increase in income, by eliminating commissions and providing direct payments.