北方邦政府成立了农民生产者小组,以加快农业计划并将农民生产者组织 (FPO) 连接到在线平台。 Uttar Pradesh government establishes a farmer producer cell to expedite agricultural schemes and connect FPOs to online platforms.
北方邦政府成立了农民生产者小组,以加快农业计划,促进农民生产者的在线注册,并将其与 ONDC 和 e-NAM 等在线营销平台连接起来。 Uttar Pradesh government establishes a farmer producer cell to expedite agricultural schemes, boost online registrations of FPOs, and connect them with online marketing platforms like ONDC and e-NAM. 该部门还将为 FPO 提供许可和股权授予服务。 The cell will also facilitate licensing and equity grants for FPOs. 我们计划开展一项为期三个月的活动来加快这一进程。 A three-month-long campaign is planned to expedite the process. 目前,该州共有 3,240 个 FPO 正在运营。 Currently, 3,240 FPOs are operating in the state.