澳大利亚对连通设备的农场补贴方案在一周内全部订购,显示出很高的需求。 Australian farm subsidy program for connectivity equipment fully subscribed within a week, showing high demand.
澳大利亚联邦政府的 " 家庭连通性方案 " ,对核准的设备给予50%的折扣,其第二轮资金在一周内全部到位。 The Australian federal government's On-Farm Connectivity Program, offering a 50% rebate on approved equipment, saw its second round of funding fully subscribed within a week. 该方案得到300多个供应商的注册,而第一轮为79个,现在提供了更高的收入上限和较低的最低回扣额,预算增加了1 800万美元。 The program, which received over 300 supplier sign-ups compared to 79 in the first round, now offers a higher revenue cap and lower minimum rebate amount with an increased budget of $18 million. 该倡议旨在支持农民支付生活费用,并促进采用农业技术。 The initiative aims to support farmers with cost-of-living expenses and promote agtech adoption.