格鲁吉亚总督肯普率领经济考察团前往德国和波兰,以促进贸易和就业。 Georgia's Governor Kemp leads economic mission to Germany and Poland to boost trade and jobs.
格鲁吉亚总督Brian Kemp正在率领一个经济特派团前往德国和波兰,以促进贸易和创造就业机会。 Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is leading an economic mission to Germany and Poland to boost trade and job creation. 德国是格鲁吉亚第四大贸易伙伴,贸易额超过128亿美元,投资额超过39亿美元,创造42 000个就业机会。 Germany is Georgia's fourth-largest trade partner, with over $12.8 billion in trade and $3.9 billion in investments creating 42,000 jobs. 此次旅行还针对波兰建立新的伙伴关系。 The trip also targets Poland for new partnerships. 在格鲁吉亚,德国投资,特别是在汽车部门的投资共计8.3亿美元,共雇用2 200人。 In Georgia, German investments, especially in the automotive sector, total $830 million, employing 2,200. Kemp的目的是吸引更多的国际投资,国际公司已经投资380亿美元,在格鲁吉亚创造了58 000个就业机会。 Kemp aims to attract more international investments, with $38 billion already invested by international firms, creating over 58,000 jobs in Georgia.