德国领事Weert Borner将军和GIZ代表团访问尼日利亚埃努古,表示有兴趣与尼日利亚进行经济合作。 German Consul General Weert Borner and GIZ delegation visit Enugu, Nigeria, expressing interest in economic cooperation with the state.
德国领事Weert Borner将军和一个GIZ代表团访问了尼日利亚埃努古州,表示有兴趣与该国进行经济合作,特别是在农业、能源、贸易和投资等部门。 German Consul General Weert Borner and a GIZ delegation visited Enugu State, Nigeria, expressing interest in economic cooperation with the state, particularly in sectors like agriculture, energy, trade, and investment. Enugu被德国选为商业和投资目的地,原因是在Peter Mbah总督管理下,生意更加容易。 Enugu was chosen as a business and investment destination by Germany due to improved ease of doing business under Governor Peter Mbah's administration. Mbah总督表示热切希望与德国合作促进经济增长和发展,争取在今后七年内使德国国内生产总值达到300亿美元。 Governor Mbah expressed enthusiasm for partnering with Germany for economic growth and development, aiming for a $30 billion GDP for the state in the next seven years.