荷兰兽医面临心理健康危机,原因是宠物主攻击性强和工作量高。 Dutch veterinarians face mental health crisis due to aggressive pet owners and high workloads.
荷兰的兽医们正在经历心理健康危机,这主要是由于宠物主的侵略行为和工作量高造成的。 Veterinarians in the Netherlands are experiencing a mental health crisis, largely due to aggressive behavior from pet owners and high workloads. 荷兰皇家兽医医学学会的一项研究发现,年轻的兽医面临口头攻击和威胁,许多人考虑改变工作岗位。 A study by the Royal Dutch Society for Veterinary Medicine found that young veterinarians face verbal aggression and threats, and many consider changing jobs. 对工作时间以外的电子邮件作出反应的压力以及动物保健费用的上涨也是造成压力的原因之一。 The pressure to respond to emails outside work hours and the rising costs of animal healthcare are also contributing to the stress.