约克公爵夫人在朋友的儿子在等待照顾时因自杀死亡后,支持心理健康慈善。 Duchess of York supports mental health charity after friend's son dies by suicide while waiting for care.
约克公爵夫人Sarah Ferguson谈到她对她朋友的儿子James Wentworth-Stanley自杀的悲痛,James Wentworth-Stanley在医院等待紧急治疗时去世。 Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, has spoken about her grief over the suicide of her friend's son, James Wentworth-Stanley, who died while waiting for urgent care in a hospital. Ferguson正在支持一个叫James'Place的心理健康慈善组织, 由James的母亲Clare Milford Haven成立, 为自杀危机中的男性提供免费治疗。 Ferguson is supporting a mental health charity called James' Place, founded by James's mother, Clare Milford Haven, to provide free treatment for men in suicidal crises. Ferguson的支持来自她处理心理健康问题,包括她女儿Beatrice公主和Eugenie公主面临的心理健康问题。 Ferguson's support comes as she addresses mental health issues, including those faced by her daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.