参议院委员会辩论特朗普的驱逐计划, 侧重于安全、军事用途和法律地位。 Senate committee debates Trump's deportation plan, focusing on safety, military use, and legal status.
参议院司法委员会举行了听证会,讨论当选总统特朗普的“大规模驱逐出境计划”的潜在影响。 The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to discuss the potential impacts of President-elect Trump's "mass deportation plan." 帕蒂·莫林(Patty Morin)的女儿被非法移民杀害,他敦促立法者优先考虑美国的安全。 Patty Morin, whose daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant, urged lawmakers to prioritize American safety. 民主党主席Dick Durbin警告说,使用现役部队进行驱逐可能会损害军事和经济,建议把重点放在驱逐那些构成威胁的人,同时让其他人有机会获得合法地位。 Democratic Chair Dick Durbin warned that using active-duty troops for deportations could harm the military and economy, suggesting a focus on deporting those who pose a threat while allowing others a chance to earn legal status. 听证会还强调了州一级关于援助或阻碍特朗普计划的提议。 The hearing also highlighted state-level proposals to either aid or hinder Trump's plan.