一名18岁的学生在对斯洛伐克一所高中的刀攻击中杀死两人,打伤另一人。 An 18-year-old student killed two people and injured another in a knife attack at a Slovakian high school.
一名18岁的学生杀害了一名51岁的副校长和一名18岁的女学生,并在斯洛伐克北部Spisska Stara Ves的一所高中中重伤另一名学生。 An 18-year-old student killed a 51-year-old deputy principal and an 18-year-old student, both female, and critically injured another student at a high school in Spisska Stara Ves, northern Slovakia. 袭击者也是一名18岁的男学生,在刀子袭击后不久被拘留。 The attacker, also an 18-year-old male student, was detained shortly after the knife attack. 这一严重暴力事件在斯洛伐克是罕见的,该国有540万人口。 This incident of serious violence is rare in Slovakia, a country of 5.4 million people. 总统彼得·佩列格里尼谴责这次袭击,称其为“真正的悲剧”。 President Peter Pellegrini condemned the attack, calling it a "real tragedy." 当局正在研究防止今后发生此类事件的办法。 Authorities are looking into ways to prevent future such incidents.