一名前学生袭击克罗地亚Precko小学,打死一名儿童,打伤四人。 A former student attacked Precko Elementary School in Croatia, killing one child and injuring four others.
一名19岁前学生袭击了克罗地亚萨格勒布的Precko小学,打死一名7岁女孩,打伤一名教师和其他三名学生。 A 19-year-old former student attacked Precko Elementary School in Zagreb, Croatia, killing a 7-year-old girl and injuring a teacher and three other students. 袭击者据说有精神健康问题,但被警察拘留。 The attacker, who reportedly had mental health issues, was detained by police. 克罗地亚领导人宣布了哀悼日,鉴于该地区学校袭击的罕见性,这一事件引发了全国震惊。 Croatian leaders declared a day of mourning, and the incident has sparked national shock, given the rarity of school attacks in the region.