Vanguard 支付 $106.4M 以解决 SEC 对退休基金误导性陈述的指控。 Vanguard pays $106.4M to settle SEC charges over misleading statements on retirement funds.
Vanguard Group 将支付 1.064 亿美元,以解决 SEC 和州监管机构对其 Target Retirement Funds 相关误导性陈述的指控。 The Vanguard Group will pay $106.4 million to settle charges from the SEC and state regulators over misleading statements related to its Target Retirement Funds. 证交会发现,先锋集团未能充分披露2020年最低投资要求变化的影响,导致许多零售投资者的税单提高。 The SEC found that Vanguard failed to adequately disclose the impact of changes to minimum investment requirements in 2020, which led to higher tax bills for many retail investors. 和解涉及证交会和纽约、新泽西和康涅狄格州国家机构的调查。 The settlement covers investigations by the SEC and state agencies in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. 前卫在未承认或否认指控的情况下同意了罚款。 Vanguard agreed to the fine without admitting or denying the charges.