Invesco公司顾问将向证交会支付1 750万美元,用于误导客户了解ESG资产整合问题。 Invesco Advisers will pay $17.5 million to the SEC for misleading clients about ESG asset integration.
Invesco Advisers 已同意向 SEC 支付 1750 万美元的罚款,因为该证券涉嫌在其资产中整合环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 因素的百分比上误导客户。 Invesco Advisers has agreed to pay a $17.5 million fine to the SEC for allegedly misleading clients about the percentage of its assets that integrated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. 从2020年到2022年,该公司声称其70%至94%的资产是ESG集成的,但相当一部分是在不考虑ESG因素的被动的ETF中。 From 2020 to 2022, the firm claimed that 70% to 94% of its assets were ESG-integrated, but a significant portion was in passive ETFs that did not consider ESG factors. Invesco缺乏一项书面政策,界定了环境、社会和治理一体化。 Invesco lacked a written policy defining ESG integration.