北方列车计划到2030年更换450辆列车,以改善服务和降低成本。 Northern Trains plans to replace 450 of its trains by 2030 to improve service and reduce costs.
北方列车是一家公有经营商,计划在今后十年内用450辆新列车取代约三分之二的老旧车队。 Northern Trains, a publicly-owned operator, plans to replace about two-thirds of its aging fleet with 450 new trains over the next decade. 新的电动、多式和潜在的电池动力列车组合旨在改善乘客体验并减少维修费用。 The new mix of electric, multi-modal, and potentially battery-powered trains aims to improve passenger experience and reduce maintenance costs. 预计第一批火车将在2030年之前交付,从而增强服务并支持铁路制造业。 The first trains are expected to be delivered by 2030, enhancing services and supporting the rail manufacturing industry.