马耳他的医生走出会议, 升级行动 解决病人外包纠纷。 Maltese doctors walk out on meeting, escalate action over patient outsourcing dispute.
马耳他医疗协会(MAM)正在加紧采取工业行动,因为与政府就未经同意将非严重紧急病人外包给私人医院的问题发生争端。 The Medical Association of Malta (MAM) is escalating industrial action due to a dispute with the government over outsourcing non-serious emergency patients to private hospitals without their consent. MAM声称这违反了具有约束力的协议,并批评管理不善。 The MAM claims this violates a binding agreement and has criticized poor management. 它们要求尊重咨询权,审查应急程序,改善全科医生的条件。 They demand respect for consultation rights, reviews of emergency procedures, and better conditions for general practitioners. 这场争论导致人们退出了与卫生部长的会议。 The dispute has led to a walkout from a meeting with the Health Minister.