Kolkata法庭在1月18日对见习医生的强奸和谋杀案作出判决。 Kolkata court to deliver verdict in trainee doctor's rape and murder case on Jan 18.
加尔各答的Sildah法院将于1月18日就一名实习医生在RG Kar医学院遭强奸和谋杀的案件作出判决。 The Sealdah court in Kolkata will deliver a verdict on January 18 in the case of a trainee doctor's rape and murder at RG Kar Medical College. 被告Sanjay Roy是城市警察的公民志愿者,将面临死刑。 The accused, Sanjay Roy, a civic volunteer with the city police, faces the death penalty. 受害人的父母要求进行进一步调查,声称有其他人参与。 The victim's parents demand a further investigation, alleging others were involved. 该案件引发了全国的愤怒和初级医生的抗议,导致最高法院组建了一个医疗专业人员安全工作队。 The case sparked national outrage and protests by junior doctors, leading the Supreme Court to form a task force for medical professionals' safety. 涉及50名证人的审判于11月开始,并于1月9日结束。 The trial, involving 50 witnesses, began in November and concluded on January 9.