以色列和哈马斯在冲突 15 个月后同意停火,但空袭引发了怀疑。 Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire after 15 months of conflict, but air strikes raise doubts.
以色列和哈马斯之间达成的停火协议旨在结束 15 个月的冲突,但人们的情绪很复杂。 A ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, aimed at ending 15 months of conflict, has been met with mixed emotions. 该协议在卡塔尔谈判达成,包括以色列军队分阶段从加沙撤军和释放人质。 The agreement, negotiated in Qatar, includes a phased withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the release of hostages. 然而,怀疑仍然存在,因为以色列指责哈马斯在最后一刻提出要求,并在协议宣布后不久进行了空袭,造成至少 46 名巴勒斯坦人死亡。 However, skepticism remains, as Israel accused Hamas of last-minute demands and conducted air strikes shortly after the deal was announced, killing at least 46 Palestinians. 冲突在加沙造成了重大人员伤亡和破坏,数百万人流离失所。 The conflict has caused significant loss of life and devastation in Gaza, with millions displaced. 尽管停火,但许多人对持久和平的前景持谨慎乐观态度。 Despite the ceasefire, many are cautiously optimistic about the prospects for lasting peace.