广岛附近的森林火灾可能因军事演习而引发;60名消防员和直升机作出反应。 Forest fire near Hiroshima likely sparked by military exercises; 60 firefighters and helicopters respond.
日本广岛在军事训练区附近爆发了一场森林火灾,可能是附近军事演习引起的。 A forest fire broke out in Hiroshima, Japan, near a military training area, potentially sparked by nearby military exercises. 大约60名消防员和4架直升机与火力交火,影响到两公顷的森林。 About 60 firefighters and four helicopters fought the fire, which affected two hectares of forest. 作为预防措施,附近一家养老院的居民被要求撤离。 As a precaution, residents of a nearby nursing home were asked to evacuate. 火灾是在干燥期间发生的,原因正在调查中。 The fire occurred during a dry spell, and the cause is under investigation. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.