消防员在北爱尔兰Coleraine与大型回收中心火灾作斗争,没有伤亡报告。 Firefighters combat large recycling center fire in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, with no reported injuries.
消防员正在北爱尔兰Coleraine的回收中心与一场大火作斗争。 Firefighters are battling a large fire at a recycling center in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. 星期五清晨报告发生火灾,67名消防员以及各种消防设备被部署到现场。 The blaze was reported early Friday morning, and 67 firefighters, along with various firefighting equipment, have been deployed to the scene. 北爱尔兰消防救援局已要求附近居民保持窗户和门因浓烟而关闭。 The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service has asked nearby residents to keep their windows and doors closed due to heavy smoke. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries have been reported.