美国针对国家安全关切,对中国的先进芯片实施更严格的出口规则。 USA imposes stricter export rules on advanced chips to China, targeting national security concerns.
美国计划对TSMC、三星和英特尔等公司制造的先进芯片实行更严格的出口规则,以便在国家安全考虑下向中国销售。 The U.S. plans stricter export rules on advanced chips made by firms like TSMC, Samsung, and Intel, targeting sales to China amid national security concerns. 这些措施需要加强客户审查和尽职调查,14或16纳米或以下的芯片需要政府许可才能向中国和其他受限制的国家销售. These measures require enhanced customer vetting and due diligence, with chips at or below 14 or 16 nanometers needing government licenses for sales to China and other restricted nations. 台湾被排除在这些限制之外,被认为是执行美国规则的可靠伙伴。 Taiwan is excluded from these restrictions, recognized as a reliable partner for enforcing U.S. rules. 美国与欧洲和日本一道,旨在减少对中国的半导体依赖。 The U.S., along with Europe and Japan, aims to reduce reliance on China for semiconductors.