TSMC限制向中国运送芯片,由于出口管制需要美国批准的包装。 TSMC restricts chip shipments to China, requiring US-approved packaging due to export controls.
TSMC对向中国公司运输先进芯片施加了新的限制,要求它们使用美国批准的包装服务。 TSMC has imposed new restrictions on shipping advanced chips to Chinese firms, requiring them to use US-approved packaging services. 在美国出口管制的驱动下,这一举动影响到以16/14nm技术或更精细制造的芯片。 This move, driven by US export controls, affects chips made with 16/14nm technology or finer. 它扰乱了中国公司的生产和交货时间表,有可能推动它们发展国内半导体能力。 It disrupts production and delivery timelines for Chinese companies, potentially pushing them towards developing domestic semiconductor capabilities.