联合王国护士报告说,由于严重拥挤和人手不足,病人死于医院走廊。 UK nurses report patients dying in hospital corridors due to severe overcrowding and understaffing.
联合王国的护士在国民保健服务医院有详细的令人痛心的条件,由于过分拥挤和人员不足,病人在走廊里得不到治疗。 Nurses in the UK have detailed harrowing conditions in NHS hospitals, where patients are left untreated in corridors due to severe overcrowding and understaffing. 根据5 000名护士的证词,皇家护理学院的报告揭示了在这些条件下死亡的病人和为提供基本护理而挣扎的工作人员。 The Royal College of Nursing's report, based on 5,000 nurses' testimonies, reveals patients dying in these conditions and staff struggling to provide basic care. 报告指责十年来危机经费不足, 医院面临最繁忙的一年, 95%的床位被占用。 The report blames a decade of underfunding for the crisis, with hospitals facing their busiest year on record and 95% of beds occupied. 卫生官员承认这一问题,但警告说,条件可能不会立即改善。 Health officials acknowledge the problem but warn that conditions may not improve immediately.