联合王国拨款3 000万英镑,用于资助清洁海洋技术,目的是使海上旅行脱碳和增加就业机会。 UK allocates £30M to fund clean maritime technologies, aiming to decarbonize sea travel and boost jobs.
联合王国政府宣布了一项3 000万英镑的基金,以支持清洁海洋技术,包括电、氢、氨、甲醇和风能,作为其变革计划的一部分。 The UK Government has announced a £30 million fund to support clean maritime technologies, including electric, hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and wind power, as part of its Plan for Change. 通过清洁海洋示范竞争(CMDC)提供的资金旨在将海上旅行去碳化,创造就业机会,同时吸引1亿多英镑的私人投资。 The funding, through the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC), aims to decarbonize sea travel and create jobs while attracting over £100 million in private investment. 以往的项目包括电热点网络和氢船改装。 Previous projects have included electric chargepoint networks and hydrogen vessel retrofits.