两名男子因与洛杉矶 "综合医院"演员Johnny Wactor的致命枪击案有关的罪行被判刑。 Two men are sentenced for crimes linked to the fatal shooting of "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor in LA.
两名男子因与杀害前“综合医院”演员Johnny Wactor有关的罪行被判处国家监狱徒刑。 Two men have been sentenced to state prison for crimes connected to the killing of former "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor. 去年5月,Wactor被致命枪击身亡,同时干扰小偷在洛杉矶偷他的汽车催化转换器。 Wactor was fatally shot last May while interrupting thieves stealing his car's catalytic converter in Los Angeles. 19岁的Leonel Gutierrez因重大盗窃和抢劫未遂被判四年监禁,22岁的Frank Olano因从犯和收受被盗财产被判处五年零八个月监禁。 Leonel Gutierrez, 19, received four years for grand theft and attempted robbery, while Frank Olano, 22, was sentenced to five years and eight months for being an accessory and receiving stolen property. 另外两名嫌疑人,Robert Barceleau和Sergio Estrada被指控犯有谋杀罪,正在等待审判。 Two other suspects, Robert Barceleau and Sergio Estrada, are charged with murder and await trial.