37 岁的“综合医院”演员约翰尼·沃克特在洛杉矶遭枪击身亡,当时窃贼正在偷走他汽车的催化转化器。 37-year-old "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor was fatally shot in LA, interrupting thieves stealing his car's catalytic converter.
37 岁的前“综合医院”演员约翰尼·沃克托在洛杉矶因阻止窃贼偷走他汽车上的催化转化器而遭枪杀。 37-year-old former "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor was fatally shot in Los Angeles after interrupting thieves stealing the catalytic converter from his car. 瓦克托因在肥皂剧中扮演布兰度·柯宾 (Brando Corbin) 而闻名,他在三名试图从其车辆中取出催化转化器的嫌疑人中被其中一人开枪击中,随后在当地一家医院被宣布死亡。 Wactor, known for his role as Brando Corbin in the soap opera, was pronounced dead at a local hospital after being shot by one of three suspects attempting to extract the catalytic converter from his vehicle. 他的经纪人大卫·沙乌尔 (David Shaul) 记得他是“所有认识他的人的真正道德榜样”。 His agent, David Shaul, remembered him as a "real moral example to everyone who knew him."