佛罗里达州奥兰多市 45 岁的约翰尼·西蒙因在格兰特县普拉特维尔镇发生的刺伤事件中犯有一级鲁莽危害罪和严重殴打罪被判处 2 年监禁。 45-year-old Johnny Simon of Orlando, FL, sentenced to 2 years in prison for 1st-degree reckless endangerment and substantial battery in a stabbing incident in Platteville Township, Grant County.
佛罗里达州奥兰多市 45 岁的约翰尼·西蒙因在格兰特县普拉特维尔镇发生刺伤事件而被判处 2 年监禁。 45-year-old Johnny Simon of Orlando, FL was sentenced to 2 years in prison for a stabbing incident in Platteville Township, Grant County. 西蒙最初被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪,他承认犯有一级鲁莽危害罪和严重殴打罪。 Initially charged with attempted homicide, Simon pleaded guilty to first-degree reckless endangerment and substantial battery. 受害者是一名成年男性,在当地一家医院接受治疗,随后被转移到爱荷华市的爱荷华大学医院和诊所。 The victim, an adult male, was treated at a local hospital and later transferred to the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics in Iowa City.