德克萨斯州GOP和基督教领袖旨在模糊教会和邦之间的界限,推动在法律中增加宗教影响力。 Texas GOP and Christian leaders aim to blur lines between church and state, pushing for more religious influence in laws.
得克萨斯州GOP领导人和基督教牧师正在准备在立法会议期间挑战教会与国家分离的概念。 Texas GOP leaders and Christian pastors are preparing to challenge the concept of church-state separation during the legislative session. 他们辩称,教会与国家之间没有分离,其目的是将保守的宗教观点纳入法律。 They argue that there is no separation between church and state, aiming to embed conservative religious views into law. 德州GOP主席亚伯拉罕·乔治(Abraham George)和其他领导人认为美国应该是一个纯粹的基督徒国家, The Texas GOP chair, Abraham George, and other leaders believe the U.S. should be a strictly Christian nation and are pushing to overturn the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits churches from engaging in political activity. 这一运动与共和党的上升趋势相一致,其中半数以上同情基督教民族主义。 This movement aligns with a rising trend among Republicans, with over half sympathizing with Christian nationalism. 牧师们正在动员支持者,试图影响法律,包括影响公立学校的法律和对宗教机构的财政支持。 Pastors are rallying supporters and seeking to influence laws, including those affecting public schools and financial support for religious institutions.