最高法院准予Shashi Bala保释,批评ED和政府的PMLA保释做法。 Supreme Court grants bail to Shashi Bala, criticizes ED and government's PMLA bail practices.
印度最高法院批评执法局和中央政府试图拒绝保释那些根据《防止洗钱法》被指控的人,包括妇女和未成年人。 The Supreme Court of India has criticized the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Central government for their attempts to deny bail to those accused under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), including women and minors. 法院强调,不符合《防止洗钱法》法规的保释条件是不可接受的,并准许一名被控洗钱的妇女Shashi Bala获得保释。 The court emphasized that bail conditions contradicting the PMLA statute are unacceptable and granted bail to Shashi Bala, a woman accused of money laundering. 法院强调遵守法定条款,并警告今后不得采取类似行为。 The court stressed adherence to statutory provisions and warned against future similar conduct.