德里高等法院给予三名PFI领导人保释,裁定洗钱证据不足。 Delhi High Court grants bail to three PFI leaders, ruling insufficient evidence for money laundering.
德里高等法院对在洗钱案件中被指控的三名印度人民阵线(PFI)领导人给予保释。 The Delhi High Court has granted bail to three Popular Front of India (PFI) leaders accused in a money laundering case. 据称,自2009年以来,执法局(ED)向PFI的银行账户存入60卢比以上,现金为32.03卢比。 The Enforcement Directorate (ED) alleged over Rs 60 crores were deposited in the PFI's bank accounts since 2009, with Rs 32.03 crores in cash. 然而,法院裁定没有足够的证据支持洗钱指控,指出筹集资金并不等于《防止洗钱法》规定的犯罪所得。 However, the court ruled there was insufficient evidence to support money laundering charges, stating that collecting funds does not equate to proceeds of crime under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).