研究发现外科医生在手术开始时的中度压力与病人并发症较少有关。 Study finds moderate stress in surgeons at surgery start linked to fewer patient complications.
最近对JAMA外科手术的一项研究发现,手术开始时外科医生的压力增加与病人的主要并发症减少有关。 A recent study in JAMA Surgery found that increased stress in surgeons at the start of a procedure is linked to fewer major complications for patients. 研究人员对38名外科医生进行的793次手术进行了分析,发现中度压力可能帮助外科医生更好地集中注意力,而过度压力可能导致更多的错误。 Researchers analyzed 793 surgeries by 38 surgeons and found that moderate stress may help surgeons focus better, while excessive stress could lead to more errors. 这挑战了以前的信念,即外科医生的高度压力总是对病人造成伤害。 This challenges previous beliefs that high stress in surgeons always harms patients.