尽管收入略有增加,但新西兰家庭在2024年问题3中支出更多,储蓄更少。 New Zealand households spent more and saved less in Q3 2024, despite a small rise in income.
在2024年9月的季度,新西兰的家庭支出增长了0.5%,但家庭储蓄大幅下降,为4.43亿美元,降至18亿美元。 In the September 2024 quarter, New Zealand's household spending rose by 0.5%, but household savings dropped significantly by $443 million to -$1.8 billion. 尽管雇员报酬和自营职业收入略有增加,家庭可支配收入却下降了0.2%。 Despite a slight rise in employee compensation and self-employed income, household disposable income fell by 0.2%. 商业储蓄也有所下降,而政府净值增加了0.3%。 Business savings also declined, while government net worth increased by 0.3%. 报告全文可在新西兰统计局网站上查阅。 The full report is available on the Statistics New Zealand website.