内华达州的GOP州长敦促两党在政府分裂的情况下, 就州关键问题采取两党行动。 Nevada's GOP governor urges bipartisan action on key state issues amid divided government.
内华达州的共和党州长敦促该州民主控制的立法机构搁置政治分歧并努力达成妥协。 Nevada's Republican governor urged the state's Democratic-controlled Legislature to put aside political differences and work towards compromise. 这一呼吁是当立法者在即将举行的立法会议上面临有关预算和政策问题的关键决定时提出的。 This call comes as lawmakers face key decisions on budget and policy issues in the upcoming legislative session. 州长强调两党制对有效解决国家挑战的重要性。 The governor emphasized the importance of bipartisanship to effectively address the state's challenges.