内华达州州长伦巴多(Lombardo)敦促国家支持释放联邦土地用于住房,以降低高昂成本。 Nevada Governor Lombardo urges state support to release federal land for housing to combat high costs.
内华达州州长Joe Lombardo要求州立法者支持释放联邦土地用于住房,以解决高昂的成本和稀缺问题。 Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has asked state lawmakers to support releasing federal land for housing to address high costs and scarcity. 联邦政府控制内华达87%的土地, 限制发展, 抬高物价。 He argues that the federal government controls 87% of Nevada’s land, limiting development and driving up prices. Lombardo正在推动州立法者支持主张释放联邦土地以增加住房供应和减轻对家庭的经济压力。 Lombardo is pushing for state lawmakers' backing to advocate for the release of federal land to increase housing supply and ease economic pressures on families.