歌手和慈善倡导者琳达·诺兰 (Linda Nolan) 在与乳腺癌作斗争后去世,享年 65 岁。 Linda Nolan, singer and charity advocate, died at 65 after battling breast cancer.
爱尔兰歌唱组合 The Nolans 的成员琳达·诺兰 (Linda Nolan) 在与乳腺癌长期斗争后去世,享年 65 岁。 Linda Nolan, a member of the Irish singing group The Nolans, passed away at 65 after a long battle with breast cancer. 她于 2005 年首次被诊断出癌症,短暂没有癌症,但在 2017 年面临继发性乳腺癌,后来扩散到她的大脑。 First diagnosed in 2005, she was briefly cancer-free but faced secondary breast cancer in 2017, which later spread to her brain. Linda 以其幽默和韧性而闻名,激励了许多人并为慈善机构筹集了超过 2000 万英镑。 Linda, known for her humor and resilience, inspired many and raised over £20 million for charities. 她的家人和粉丝对她的逝去表示哀悼,将她视为希望的灯塔。 Her family and fans mourn her loss, remembering her as a beacon of hope.