流行歌手Linda Nolan, 65岁, 死于与乳腺癌的长期斗争, 提倡早期发现。 Pop singer Linda Nolan, 65, dies after long battle with breast cancer, advocated for early detection.
与乳腺癌斗争多年的流行歌手琳达·诺兰(Linda Nolan)于65岁去世。 Pop singer Linda Nolan, who battled breast cancer for years, passed away at 65. Nolan是一位乳癌宣传者,他提高了对早期发现重要性的认识,强调了诸如肿块、皮肤变化和乳头排放等常见症状。 Nolan, a breast cancer advocate, raised awareness about the importance of early detection, highlighting the common symptoms like lumps, skin changes, and nipple discharge. 她的家庭历史,包括她姐妹们与该疾病的斗争,突出了定期检查和早期诊断的重要性。 Her family history, including her sisters' battles with the disease, underscores the significance of regular checks and early diagnosis.