爱尔兰歌手琳达·诺兰 (Linda Nolan) 是诺兰乐队的成员,在与乳腺癌作斗争后去世,享年 65 岁。 Irish singer Linda Nolan, a member of The Nolans, died at 65 after battling breast cancer.
65 岁的爱尔兰歌手琳达·诺兰 (Linda Nolan) 在与乳腺癌斗争 20 年后去世。 Irish singer Linda Nolan, 65, passed away after a 20-year battle with breast cancer. Linda 是 The Nolans 的成员,于 2005 年首次被诊断出患有继发性癌症,并于 2017 年再次被诊断出患有继发性癌症。 Linda, a member of The Nolans, was first diagnosed in 2005 and again with secondary cancer in 2017. 她的姐姐科琳·诺兰 (Coleen Nolan) 表达了衷心的敬意,称琳达是“爱、善良和力量的灯塔”。 Her sister Coleen Nolan shared a heartfelt tribute, calling Linda a "beacon of love, kindness, and strength." Linda 的遗产包括她的音乐事业和倡导癌症意识。 Linda's legacy includes her music career and advocacy for cancer awareness.