伊利诺伊州在下一个财政年度面临32亿美元的赤字,这迫使可能增税或削减开支。 Illinois faces a $3.2 billion deficit next fiscal year, forcing potential tax hikes or spending cuts.
伊利诺伊州在从7月1日开始的财政年度面临32亿美元的赤字,尽管目前的收入正在按部就班。 Illinois faces a $3.2 billion deficit in the fiscal year starting July 1, despite current revenues being on track. 联邦刺激基金和强劲的经济复苏在上一年有所帮助,但一次性资金不再可用,经济放缓、收入预测停滞和支出增加引起关切。 Federal stimulus funds and a strong economic recovery helped in the previous year, but with one-time funds no longer available and the economy slowing, flat revenue projections and rising spending are causing concern. 总督JB Pritzker和新的大会将需要解决赤字问题,可能通过削减开支或增加税收来解决赤字问题。 Governor JB Pritzker and the new General Assembly will need to address the deficit, potentially through spending cuts or tax increases.