水果飞蝇发现将南奥克兰的作物流动限制延长至2月中旬。 Fruit fly discovery extends crop movement restrictions in South Auckland until mid-February.
南奥克兰Papatoeteo对水果和蔬菜流动的法律管制将一直维持到2月中旬,因为发现了一只东方雄性果蝇。 Legal controls on fruit and vegetable movement in Papatoetoe, South Auckland, will stay in place until mid-February due to the discovery of a single male Oriental fruit fly. 这些限制旨在防止对新西兰园艺工业造成任何潜在的经济损害,尽管果蝇对人类健康没有风险。 These restrictions aim to prevent any potential economic harm to New Zealand's horticulture industry, though the fruit fly poses no risk to human health. 在监视装置中没有发现进一步的水果苍蝇。 No further fruit flies have been detected in surveillance traps.