美国海关拦截底特律机场的稀有果蝇幼虫, 突显了对农业的威胁。 U.S. Customs intercepts rare caper fruit fly larvae at Detroit airport, highlighting threat to agriculture.
美国海关和边境保护局于6月在底特律地铁机场拦截了一只稀有果蝇的活幼虫。 U.S. Customs and Border Protection intercepted live larvae of a rare caper fruit fly at Detroit Metro Airport in June. 幼虫在拒绝回答农业问题后, 在来自意大利的旅行者行李中的鲜花上被发现。 The larvae were found on fresh caper flowers in a traveler's luggage from Italy after they refused to answer agricultural questions. 这是这只属于一个破坏性农业害虫家庭的特殊苍蝇第二次在美国被发现,第一次是在20年前的佛罗里达坦帕。 This is the second time this specific fly, which belongs to a family of destructive agricultural pests, has been detected in the U.S., the first being in Tampa, Florida, 20 years ago. 海关和边境保护局强调预防此类害虫以避免经济损害的重要性。 CBP stresses the importance of preventing such pests to avoid economic damage.