由于人口向共和党领导的各州转移,民主党面临高达12个众议院席位的丧失。 Democrats face losing up to 12 House seats due to population shifts to Republican-led states.
随着人口从加利福尼亚州、伊利诺伊州和纽约等州向得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州的人口转移,民主人士面临挑战,这有可能减少他们的政治影响力。 Democrats face challenges as population shifts from states like California, Illinois, and New York to Texas and Florida, potentially reducing their political influence. Brennan中心预测民主州在下一次人口普查中可能会失去多达12个众议院席位。 The Brennan Center projects Democratic states could lose up to 12 House seats in the next census. 这种转变可能会使民主党赢得众议院或总统职位的道路复杂化。 This shift could complicate Democrats' path to winning the House or the presidency. 为此,民主党可能需要改善其在南部摇摆州的表现,或试图让得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州更有利于他们的事业。 To counter this, Democrats may need to improve their performance in southern swing states or attempt to turn Texas and Florida more favorable to their cause.