美国的核心堪萨斯州,北卡罗来纳州和内华达州的立法竞选可能会改变政策,并打破共和党的多数. Core Kansas, North Carolina, and Nevada state legislative races may alter policy and break Republican majorities.
堪萨斯州、北卡罗来纳州和内华达州的关键州立法竞赛可以显著改变控制和影响政策。 Key state legislative races in Kansas, North Carolina, and Nevada could shift control and influence policy significantly. 民主党人需要在堪萨斯州赢得几个席位,以打乱共和党的超级多数,共和党允许否决堕胎和变性者的权利。 Democrats need to gain a few seats in Kansas to disrupt the Republican supermajority, which has allowed overrides of vetoes on abortion and transgender rights. 同样,北卡罗来纳州一个席位的变更会影响共和国的多数否决票。 Similarly, a single seat change in North Carolina could affect the Republican veto-proof majority. 全国有5 800多个立法席位有争议,预计双方将提供大量资金。 Nationwide, over 5,800 legislative seats are contested, with substantial funding expected from both parties.