两名地铁 -- -- 亚特兰大男子在一年之内被枪杀,他们的家人因此寻求正义。 Two metro-Atlanta men were shot to death within a year, leaving their families seeking justice.
来自地铁-亚特兰大的两名男子在相隔一年的时间里被枪杀。 Two men from metro-Atlanta were shot and killed within a year of each other. 26岁的Chazz Williams在圣诞节前夕死于得克萨斯州休斯顿, 而28岁的Eric Jr., 去年10月在亚特兰大公寓被杀。 Chazz Williams, 26, died in Houston, Texas, on Christmas Eve, while Eric Jr., 28, was killed at his Atlanta apartment last October. 这两起案件仍未解决,家庭成员敦促司法和警察对信息给予奖赏。 Both cases remain unsolved, with family members urging for justice and police offering rewards for information. 威廉姆斯的家人在他的葬礼上放飞了鸽子作为和平的信息,小埃里克的家人对亚特兰大警察局缺乏进展表示失望。 Williams' family released doves at his funeral as a message of peace, and Eric Jr.'s family expresses frustration with the lack of progress from the Atlanta Police Department.