亚特兰大东北部一名男子被枪杀,警方正在调查。 A man was fatally shot in northeast Atlanta, and police are investigating.
周二,一名男子在亚特兰大东北部约翰·卫斯理·多布斯大街 480 号遭枪击身亡。警方发现受害者身受枪伤,并在现场宣布其死亡。 A man was fatally shot in northeast Atlanta on Tuesday at 480 John Wesley Dobbs Ave. Police found the victim with gunshot wounds and announced his death at the scene. 受害者的年龄和身份尚未披露,当局也没有说明嫌疑人是否被拘留。 The victim's age and identity were not disclosed, and authorities have not specified if a suspect is in custody. 亚特兰大警察局正在调查枪击事件的具体情况,目前调查仍在进行中。 The Atlanta Police Department is investigating the circumstances leading up to the shooting, which remains ongoing.