社区哀悼19岁的McKinley Williams, 在Auburn被枪杀; Community mourns 19-year-old McKinley Williams, shot dead in Auburn; police seek suspect.
家人和朋友聚集在塔科马斯图尔特高地公园纪念19岁的McKinley Williams, Family and friends gathered at Tacoma's Stewart Heights Park to remember 19-year-old McKinley Williams, who was tragically shot and killed in Auburn last week. 他的母亲形容他是善良和关爱的,梦想成为一名机械师并前往加利福尼亚。 His mother described him as kind and caring, with dreams of becoming a mechanic and traveling to California. Auburn警察局仍在寻找嫌疑人,已经设立了一个GoFundMe,以帮助支付他的丧葬费。 The Auburn Police Department is still searching for the suspect, and a GoFundMe has been established to help cover his funeral expenses.