由于维护工作积压、网络安全风险和等待时间过长,昆士兰州卫生系统面临关键的改革需求。 Queensland's health system faces critical reform needs due to maintenance backlogs, cybersecurity risks, and long waiting times.
昆士兰审计局的最新报告显示,州卫生系统迫切需要改革。 The Queensland Audit Office's latest report shows the state's health system is in critical need of reform. 问题包括医院维修积压20亿美元、网络安全风险翻了一番以及9年来专家服务最差的等待时间。 Issues include a $2 billion hospital maintenance backlog, doubled cybersecurity risks, and the worst waiting times for specialist services in nine years. 尽管劳动力有所增长,但审计强调迫切需要全面改革,以应对这些重大挑战。 Despite some workforce growth, the audit stresses the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to address these significant challenges.