科罗拉多州州长Jared Polis概述了在州内处理犯罪、住房和安全问题的计划。 Colorado Governor Jared Polis outlines plans to address crime, housing, and safety in State of the State address.
科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯在其国家咨文中讨论了解决少年犯罪、经济适用住房和公共安全等问题的计划。 In his State of the State address, Colorado Governor Jared Polis discussed plans to tackle juvenile crime, affordable housing, and public safety. 他宣布增加700万美元的预算,用于青年干预床位和对枪支盗窃的更严厉的惩罚。 He announced a $7 million budget increase for youth intervention beds and stricter penalties for firearm theft. 警方还强调,2024年财产犯罪减少15%,车辆盗窃减少26%。 Polis also highlighted a 15% drop in property crimes and a 26% decrease in vehicle thefts in 2024. 他强调,需要有负担得起的住房解决办法,包括精简建筑流程和降低保险费用。 He emphasized the need for affordable housing solutions, including streamlining construction processes and reducing insurance costs. 政治事务处处理移民问题,呼吁在关键问题上开展两党合作。 Polis addressed immigration and called for bipartisan cooperation on key issues.