Jacksonville治安官办公室 试图将所有行动 转移到佛罗里达州蓝色大楼 租约更大 Jacksonville Sheriff's Office seeks to move all operations to Florida Blue building with a larger lease.
Jacksonville治安官办公室(JSO)正在寻求城市批准将其在布鲁克林Florida Blue大楼的租约扩大,目的是通过撤离市中心警察纪念大楼,将所有业务合并为一个设施。 The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) is seeking city approval to expand its lease at the Florida Blue building in Brooklyn, aiming to consolidate all operations into one facility by vacating the downtown Police Memorial Building. JSO要求增加240,000平方英尺的办公空间和19,247平方英尺的仓库空间,新的26年租约包括续租选择。 JSO requests an additional 240,000 square feet of office space and 19,247 square feet of warehouse space, with the new 26-year lease including renewal options.