团体的目标是以60%的空缺来振兴杰克逊维尔的A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard。 Group aims to revitalize Jacksonville's A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard with 60% vacancy.
佛罗里达大道主街是杰克逊维尔的新组织,正在努力振兴A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard地区,该地区有60%的空缺率。 Florida Avenue Main Street, a new organization in Jacksonville, is working to revitalize the A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard area, which has a 60% vacancy rate. 该小组旨在通过支持现有企业和吸引新企业,促进经济发展。 The group aims to foster economic development by supporting existing businesses and attracting new ones. 执行主任Nigelle Kohn说,他们社区驱动的战略规划将于4月底或5月初开始,目标是增加收入和促进历史性地区的商业增长。 Executive Director Nigelle Kohn says their community-driven strategic planning will start in late April or early May, with the goal of increasing revenue and fostering business growth in the historic district.