Jacksonville主动提出免除1.8M的罚款,以刺激销售和改善行政广场购物中心。 Jacksonville offers to waive $1.8M in fines to spur the sale and improve Regency Square Mall.
Jacksonville市提出放弃 数十万美元的罚款 以鼓励销售 官阶广场购物中心。 The City of Jacksonville is offering to waive hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines to encourage the sale of Regency Square Mall. 商场因违章行为,如屋顶漏水和条件不卫生等,积累了180万美元的罚款。 The mall has amassed $1.8 million in fines due to code violations like a leaking roof and unsanitary conditions. 该市希望这一奖励措施将导致商场销售和随后的改善。 The city hopes this incentive will lead to the mall's sale and subsequent improvements.