印度最高法院审查包括性犯罪者在内的国家安全准则申请。 India's Supreme Court examines petition for national safety guidelines, including for sexual offenders.
印度最高法院正在审查关于全国妇女、儿童和变性者安全准则的请愿书。 The Supreme Court of India is examining a petition for nationwide safety guidelines for women, children, and transgender individuals. 请求书由最高法院女律师协会存档,呼吁采取措施,包括对性罪犯进行化学切割和禁止不受限制的网上色情制品。 Filed by the Supreme Court Women Lawyers Association, the plea calls for measures including chemical castration for sexual offenders and a ban on unrestricted online pornography. 法院已要求中央各部作出答复,并将在1月进一步审理该案。 The court has requested responses from central ministries and will hear the case further in January.