中国邀请台湾人申请内地居住权, 希望有更好的机会, 批评台湾政府。 China invites Taiwanese to apply for mainland residency, promising better opportunities and criticizing Taiwan's government.
中国发言人已邀请台湾居民申请在大陆居住, 有望改善工作、学习和经商条件, A Chinese spokesperson has invited Taiwanese residents to apply for residency on the mainland, promising better conditions for work, study, and business. 此举旨在为希望发展在大陆的台湾人提供支持,按照法律程序发放身份证。 The move aims to support Taiwanese who wish to develop on the mainland, with ID cards granted according to legal procedures. 发言人批评台湾民主进步党企图进行“认知战争”, 并限制台湾人的选择, The spokesperson criticized Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party for attempting "cognitive warfare" and restricting Taiwanese choices, arguing such actions go against the people's will.